Friday, October 30, 2009



I have looked at the settings on the blog and you all should have not problem logging on--you do not need to log on with a password or username, you can log on as annoymous if you are currently having problems.

Your HW for the weekend is as follows:
1.) Study for Vocab
2.) Complete Paragraph and post on blog if you have not already done so
3.) Read "The Village" by HDT.

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

HW For Tonight--28 October

On the blog I have posted a series of questions about HDT's "Reading" and "Sounds."

Tonight for HW, I would like you to write ONE body paragraph that answers one of the questions I have presented about "Reading" or "Sounds."

This is an analytical body paragraph, so it should adhere to the rules of good writing and contain:
-A topic sentence
-Textual Support

Please post your paragraphs on the blog under the "Sounds" or "Reading." I would recommend that you type your paragraphs in Word first (blogger does not have spell check) and then post your response on the blog. Also, I don't think it is a good idea if you read other people's posts before you are done with your own.

Have confidence in your writing, remember what you have been taught last year, this year, and the year before. As long as you don't make mistakes that you know are will be fine.
