Saturday, November 7, 2009

Random HDT Experiment Thoughts

Thoughts on HDT Experiment:

1.) Should we take cell phones, iPods, and Tablets and lock them in Saliba’s office. This will have to be a voluntary act—I don’t think I can, or should, mandate it.
2.) Food—if everyone brings in five dollars on Monday, would we make up a shopping list, and walk to the market in downtown South Berwick in order to pick up supplies for the week. Can we also find a time to get together in order to make bread, soup, and other things for the week.
3.) Where can we eat together during the week, should we eat outside…also, should we include one plate, cutlery, and beverage container in the packing list.
4.) Clothes—the only thing I have heard is no jeans, so what are thinking after that.
5.) Showers and bathing—your thoughts, I am a little stumped on this one, and think that people should be able to take hot showers if they want a hot shower…thoughts?
6.) What else am I missing?

Monday, November 2, 2009

HW for tomorrow (Long Block) 3 November

Here is the HW for tomorrow:
1.) Read the next three pages (again) of "Self-Reliance"
2.) Find a leaf and do the following:draw it, write about it (describe it), and answer the question, Can you talk with it?
3.) Submit body paragraphs to the blog or me.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

HW The Remix

Sorry for any confusion but here is your HW for the weekend--

1.) Study for the vocab, next ten words.
2.) Write your body paragraph and post it on the blog (paragraphs will not be accepted after Monday)
3.) Review the first three pages of Self-Reliance.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
